Most Likely Cause of the C# Error: "Non-static method requires a target"

I've encountered this error twice in the last two days, both times occurring while with a LINQ query and Entity Framework.

And, in both cases, the problem stemmed from using a null value within the LINQ. Ultimately, the problem was farther upstream and not with my LINQ query at all (though better use of a try-catch statement would've been smart). The problem was an object with a null value being passed into the method. Once I figured that out, it was fairly easy to step through the debugger and see where my object wasn't being set to a legitimate value.

So, if you get the error "Non-static method requires a target,", then verify that every value you're using within your LINQ statement contains a value, not a null.

See the following posts on the web for more information and resolution to this error.


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